The owner of this tattoo said it was Buddha, but I think he must be a shy and closeted pagan. It doesn't look like any Buddha I've ever seen but it looks almost exactly like Cernunnos from the Gundestrup Cauldron. Cruise on over to Tattoosday to read the full explanation and see the complete tattoo, including the rune, tree of life and other obvious pagan imagery.
Thanks for the heads up on this. I amended the post and linked your blog for further reference.
Yes, I don't see any reference to Budha here, but I do see all the references to a pagan god! Budha never wore horns, to start with!
Yep, that's what I thought!
It may be Foh or Fa-Ho often confused with Buddha in Nepal and other places was born in Scythia in central Asia known in ancient times as the land of mountains and the mother land of the Huns, the Tartars, the Moguls and the Chinese. In an old Chinese manuscript he is depicted with two small horns at the side of his forehead, some have regarded him as the first Buddha. Although you will be hard pressed to find any resources outside of specific scholarly circles about him.
On second thought the background design looks celtic and is holding a cup
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