Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Celtic Pentagram

This super cool tattoo comes from Nydia from Brazil; she is the fifth person to offer up her pagan art.
As I'm pagan/Wiccan for almost 12 years, and I thought it would be good to have this symbol of my spiritual path in my skin for as long as I live. It was made about three years ago, though. It took me a long time to find something that I enjoyed enough to have forever. Originally this one was a piece of jewelry, a silver pendant. I love it!

Thanks for submitting your tattoo Nydia!


Unknown said...

Wow... really nice indeed... I am also from Brazil and I give you all my happiest greetings...

I will be subjecting my pagan tattoos pretty soon!


Livia Indica said...

Hi Pietra, it's so cool to have folks from all over the world visiting my little blog! Looking forward to seeing your ink!

KrisMrsBBradley said...

I love this tattoo! Just gorgeous!

Livia Indica said...

It is awesome. I'm kinda thinking that if I ever get a pentagram, which I've been hemming and hawing over for years, it might be similar to this except with colors.