Edited in September to add: I never noticed it before but my crab is missing a leg. Shit, shit, shit, shit and fucking shit. How did I let this happen? And how did I not notice 'til now? HOW!? I wonder if I could get it fixed free of charge?
EDITED again to add: I've decided to leave this tattoo as it is. Why? Because it has 7 regular legs and two claws. And my birthday is 7/2. I could have planned it! I didn't and that's what pissed me off. But I like it now.
I never noticed it before but now, months and months later, I see that my crab is missing a freaking leg! How did I let this happen? HOW!? Shit, shit, shit, shit and fucking shit.
The tatto is a wonderful one, with or without all the crab's legs, and maybe it will cool down your anger that seven is a great number, magickally speaking! There's this cool page about it: http://www.richardphillips.org.uk/number/Num7.htm
Process this in a positive way or you'll start hating looking at this piece of art and this would be a pity.
Funny, my niece bought something that costed her 7,77$, right after that we watched a movie where the mai's character was 77 years old and now you talk about it.
Hmm, I hadn't looked at that way. Funny, my birth month is July.
July? Another seven? Hmmm... I'd kep this crab just like that.
Yeah, I'm thinking I might keep it this way.
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